First day of chamber choir and others things to come up
So ya, I woke up 6am this morning in order to get a shower, get dressed and to finish my study guide for module 21 ( Myers in Modules: AP Psych: equiv. of one semester of psychology at MUN) and to get ready for chamber choir. Then, I grabbed 2 pieces of peanut butter toast and water with me as I left before 7:45 a.m ( in order to be on time). Finally, I show up to chamber choir: me and my cous. joey were the only tenors there! So ya, we worked on the songs, "Mary, Mary" and "rocking (nativity)". Chamber choir so far is totally amazing: even if I occasionally mess up ( miss is really excited about the chamber choir this year).
Then chamber choir ended and school began! So ya first period, I had healthy living 1200 ( one of my electives) so we had the period to work on our Activity 2 and 3: one on a fitness product and on a career ( I choose the slamman and a firefighter)! Anyhow 2nd period , I had biology 2201 ( I know I should've done biology 2201 in grade 11 instead of chemistry but hey, live and learn!) in which we did a Dichomious Key for the teachers at our school ( I used the cat.: gender, height, glasses, hair color and mustache... these are dot-jotes: don't want to kill you all with the details!) Then we had recess: I ate a slice of pizza and a cholocate milk. 3rd period, I had math 3103 and we did section 3.6( the last section before we have a test in 2 weeks time... hopefully not sooner!) At lunchtime, I went to the YAC meeting.
These is what we did:
- a spokesperson for Oxfam Canada came in to do a presentation of poverty, fair trade and what we can do about it! ( it all happened when I tried to get the YAC: youth action committee involved with packing the shoeboxes into boxes to be eventually sent to Third-World Countries at Christmas time and ya, I didn't have enough details and gave her Oxfam Canada's number: she discovered O.C.C has nothing to do with O.C ( no, that it not the O.C!... ) But ya, she ended up asking something to do a presentation) The presentation was well done and he gave us 3 bits of info.:
1. Article done by Oxfam Canada concerning their work in the past ( From their air to tsunami relief ( in Sri Lanka last christmas to now; in Kashmir, Pakistan,etc... to helping third-world countries escape poverty
2. Information on how the Rich are causing the poor to be poor: unfair trade laws, "dumping" of cheap goods into third-world countries ( so they end up unable to sell their products)
3. A double postcard: one to send to the P.M of canada: Paul Martin ( to encourage him to pressure other politicians to take action against this injustice), another to get information about the progress of Make Poverty History.
Some startling facts about poverty:
1. 1.8 Billion live on less than a $1 a day ( 1.6$ billion is the most recent figure)
2.2.2 Billion live on less than $2 a day
There are approx. 6 Billion people in the world: so 2/3 of the world lives in extreme poverty ( not including poverty just below/at rich countries poverty line,etc...)
Then, I had english class at which he read the first pages of Antigone ( pg.126-130 : prior to Creon's entry). Last period, I had AP Psych. ( we were suppose to hear lecture on Module 21 : Operant Conditioning. Yet, there was an assembly at booth: a free period for the students from my school!) So ya instead, I worked through the study guide on Module 21 ( That I wasn't able to finish: I came extremelly close to finishing it that class!)
Then , I went to my dad's house and we talked about stuff: I told him I wanted to get my guitar strings re-aligned. So dad took me down to Strings n' Things ( apparently, they offer guitar lessons) So ya, the guy said he'd fix it plus other problems for a decent deal: 50$ ( they also nice electric guitars, drums,amps,etc...) And ya, the guy really knew his guitars, music theory ( to some degree) and his motorcycles ( they also have! something else is gonna be happening but i'll keep it secret until it happens.) Then, I updated my blog.)
Plans for the weekend:
- going to my youth group's Cafe Night ( i'm inviting my cousin Joey to come along)
- possibly do some AP Psych. studying tonight (I got a test coming up next Wedsday on Mod.10-19 plus m.c from mod.1-19!) and do some other homework
- Go help pack shoeboxes into boxes to O.C.C
- maybe going to church ( depending on the amount of homework, time it takes plus how much I get done before sunday!)
others details to come...
On another note, I know there is another poverty in the world:spiritual poverty. Many people in the world are looking for something bigger than themselves yet many can't explain what. For anyone who got that feeling right now, you might wanna stop by : the crowd there are very open even if you don't share their views! Ya, more to come everyone ( it was about time I updated my blog!)