Jordan's Blogarama

This is a blog telling about what I did in the run of a day and/or my opionion on whatever topic I feel like posting about.... yep, check back often for more details and don't be afraid to spread the word about my blog!

Friday, April 15, 2005

This week

Yep... quite a bit has happened this week (I'd need my journal in front of me to remember it all , well, at least it'd help) Indeed, I had a make-up voice lessoon from 4-4:30 p.m at take note music school! ( to make up for one Ms.Angela cancelled when she got sick a while ago) Yep, I finally got the song im working on ( in voice lessons on tape): its called, "If I can't love her" from the broadway style of the Beauty and the Beast. Yep, I've been on my dad's computer at work for nearly an hour now! In 2 hours time, WEB's cafe night will start (what fun!) Also tomorrow, i'm looking forward to getting some valuable work experience at my dad's garbage: Lester Lube ( This and other past details to come) : stay tuned!

12:10 a.m :
For supper, I had sirloin and potato(yum!)
This is how the WEB cafe night went:
we did the following:
- playing board games and other sorts of games . Here is a list of the games played :
> Twister
>Catch Phrase
> Risk
> Jenga

These are the ones I played:
>Catch Phrase

We also played bible games : 2 cross-words and 1 word find
- our group won the 1 crossword and 1 word find

So, we got to play a bonus game for another prize for one person in the group: - a book on beating fashion for girls or a christian sports shirt for guys.

The game went like this:
-Blake read out different clues

- we each tryed to guess the name of the city

- repeat until someone gets one right

( I won a t-shirt and the game : it was the birthplace of King David:Bethlehem!)

Yep, interesting day!