The Seal Hunt: is it Justified and was the Larry King Live debate from 10:30- 11:30 p.m fair?
This also comes directly from the debate forum on ( which i posted!)
Is the Seal Hunt justified?
« on: Today at 01:55:30 AM »
So ya with the upcoming debate on the seal hunt on Larry King Live between Paul Mccartney and his wife vs Danny Williams: premier of newfoundland and labrador coming up in 6 minutes ( it's 10:24 p.m newfoundland time), I want to ask this question: do you believe the seal hunt is justified? If so, why? Also, are the various celebrities basing their campaign on the truth or on misinformation? ... my view will follow!"
Re: Is the Seal Hunt justified ? Was this debate on L.K.L Fair?
« Reply #1 on: Today at 03:39:03 AM »
" After watching Larry King Live, I was very very disappointed with how unbalanced and unregulated the debate was. First of all, the Mccartney's were allowed to speak for 20-30 minutes and they were given the dignity of not a single interruption from anyone else unless it involved a question. Then when Danny williams finally begins to speak, the first 5 minutes are uninterrupted. Then for the remainder of the program, the Mccartney's but into his time by re-stating facts that they already stating and interfering with Danny William's ability to articulate the other side of the issue! Then when Danny Williams tried to show how their views on the " inhumane practices" of the seal hunt could also be applied to the slaughter of children, pigs and cows. Yet, we don't see these celebrities stopping these industries. Also, I was shocked to find out that " The Humane Society Of the United States" had actually convinced the U.s Government to implement a boycott of part of the canadian fishery: mainly the snow crabs. When he tried to answer their questions, they kept going on about how Canada would benefit from the boycott being lifted if they would end the seal hunt. First of all, there is no written document from the U.S Government saying they would do such a thing. Second, they are using Power Politics , the power of celebrities , the power of sensations ( pictures of seals being slaughtered) and relying on feelings rather than a solid argument. However, I think this issue goes even deeper: I think there is a hidden agenda. What does the Seal Hunt in Canada have anything to do with the United States. As the Mccartney's said, the seal hunt only makes up 8% of the fishery. So why are the americans so concerned about closing such a small industry? I think the real agenda has to do with the fact that the organizations that led the McCartney's to end the seal hunt think there is something else to be gained for him or someone else than the end of a seal hunt. In some ways, I think the Americans are using their power to bully us into conforming to their views of the seal hunt. Yet, they made a second plea: could the government compensate for the loses of the seal fishermen if the industry were to close? Also, could the industry be converted into a eco-tourism industry in the same way that the whale hunt was turned into a whale tourism industry? These are good questions. Yet in my opionion, seals are not whales: how can we be sure that we there is any interest in a seal tourism industry? The only way to find this out in my opionion would be to conduct a independent pole and research into the fisability of such an industry. Also, Danny Williams stated that the United Nations actually backs the seal hunt in canada because it helps to control the seal population. The figures he quoted was in that in the 1970's, there were 2.8 million seals. Today, that number has nearly tripled: to around 8.4 million. If their number continue to grow with nothing to keep it in check, these seals could very well starve to death due to lack of food ( such as cod which seem to be depletting). So if the seal hunt ended and the seals run out od food and start to die off, than they end up dying anyway, nobody can benefit from " the furs, the meat, the omega-5 that can reduce heart attacks, strokes,etc...) To conclude, I admit that this issue is very controversal and that the debate they had on live television did not due this debate justice due to the fact that the Mccartney's are celebrities and Mr. Williams is a politician: arguably both having an agenda of some sort. But what I believe Mr. Williams was trying to tell the Mccartney's is that the UN and other organizations already has a verdict on the seal hunt: that it helps control the seal population. Also, that the reason why the Mccarney's were there is because they are being used by the humane society of the U.S, greenpeace and others organization to possibly benefit those who are members of these organizations. Also, the Mccartney's stated that " the majority of canadians when asked straight out in independent polls whether or not the seal hunt should continue say that it should end" . Do the canadian people feel this way or has this statistic been a case of misinformation, supporting their argument and/or a result of biased polling? Last if canadians seem to have such a strong stance on this issue, why doesn't the government declare a referundum on this issue: If 55% of canadians or more vote in favor of the seal hunt continuing, it shall continue. If 50-54% or lower vote in favour of the seal hunt, it can be either ceased or further debate can continue... So yes, I know that my argument may sound like a rant but i'm just calling it like I see it. First of all, go ahead and correct me, clarify or expand on any points that you believe I may have missed ( by all means). Second should you do so, my response shall be based on this debate and the the way it is presented on Larry King Live. In conclusion, I believe that there is more to this issue than is being presented to the public... any comments, questions,responses,etc... Please post them in this debate forum! "
Re: Is the Seal Hunt justified?
« Reply #2 on: Today at 04:07:36 AM »
Here's a link that CBC produced a story on the Larry King Live debate in summarized form: -
Hello all, this is me here. All people who read this blog are free to comment on this thread, to add information, make clarifications, counter-arguments,etc.. on the basis that they remain constructive...enjoy!
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