Jordan's Blogarama

This is a blog telling about what I did in the run of a day and/or my opionion on whatever topic I feel like posting about.... yep, check back often for more details and don't be afraid to spread the word about my blog!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

May 28th/2005 my day today!

First of all, I woke up at 7:45 a.m to get ready for work. First, I had a shower, got into my work clothes (steeltoe boots, black pants, black lester lube t-shirt and a gray sweater!), had breakfast, packed my lunch, got my work boots on and headed for work. I worked my 6th Saturday ever at lester lube (it would've been my 7th but i took the saturday on may 24th weekend off!).Also when I got home, I got yet another shower, got changed, and had cod and potatoes for supper! Not to mention, I went on msn and talked to my friends. I also told kristina n. and dave ( i met him at marine pursuits) about how i received news on friday that i'm going to quebec for 5 weeks this summer on a bursery! (from july 3rd or 4th- august 5th) I also talked to kristina nurse on the phone about some stuff I'm gonna try to be involved in next year such as:

- the improv team

- The Youth Action Committee (Y.A.C)

- voice lessons (thats a given!)

- maybe choir

- Quest possibly
Not to mention, I read chapter 3 of a book called "God's Politics". This chapter talks about how , "God is personal but never private" (I haven't had the chance to make notes on it yet!)
From 7-10 :30 p.m, I was at the CFC event: X-Alt. Three bands played there:


2.WEB praise team

3.Pheobus Levene

The speaker was Wanda Fost ( she talked about the need for reconcilation in the land of Canada between: 1. the french and the english, 2. the english and the native and 3. parents and their children) She got the help of the drama team to illustrate an analogy about a boy tossing a ball in the air then trying to hit it: he kept missing. His dad told him he was soory for not teaching him to hit it. His son said to him, "No, I just strike the batter out three times: i'm the pitcher not the batter." He used this to make the point we need to be who god wants us to be.

Mike R., Blake B ,Brad Norman and Wanda Fost shared their testimonies. (I voluntarily shared mine!)

And so concludes this blog entry!