Jordan's Blogarama

This is a blog telling about what I did in the run of a day and/or my opionion on whatever topic I feel like posting about.... yep, check back often for more details and don't be afraid to spread the word about my blog!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

May 28th/2005 my day today!

First of all, I woke up at 7:45 a.m to get ready for work. First, I had a shower, got into my work clothes (steeltoe boots, black pants, black lester lube t-shirt and a gray sweater!), had breakfast, packed my lunch, got my work boots on and headed for work. I worked my 6th Saturday ever at lester lube (it would've been my 7th but i took the saturday on may 24th weekend off!).Also when I got home, I got yet another shower, got changed, and had cod and potatoes for supper! Not to mention, I went on msn and talked to my friends. I also told kristina n. and dave ( i met him at marine pursuits) about how i received news on friday that i'm going to quebec for 5 weeks this summer on a bursery! (from july 3rd or 4th- august 5th) I also talked to kristina nurse on the phone about some stuff I'm gonna try to be involved in next year such as:

- the improv team

- The Youth Action Committee (Y.A.C)

- voice lessons (thats a given!)

- maybe choir

- Quest possibly
Not to mention, I read chapter 3 of a book called "God's Politics". This chapter talks about how , "God is personal but never private" (I haven't had the chance to make notes on it yet!)
From 7-10 :30 p.m, I was at the CFC event: X-Alt. Three bands played there:


2.WEB praise team

3.Pheobus Levene

The speaker was Wanda Fost ( she talked about the need for reconcilation in the land of Canada between: 1. the french and the english, 2. the english and the native and 3. parents and their children) She got the help of the drama team to illustrate an analogy about a boy tossing a ball in the air then trying to hit it: he kept missing. His dad told him he was soory for not teaching him to hit it. His son said to him, "No, I just strike the batter out three times: i'm the pitcher not the batter." He used this to make the point we need to be who god wants us to be.

Mike R., Blake B ,Brad Norman and Wanda Fost shared their testimonies. (I voluntarily shared mine!)

And so concludes this blog entry!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My day today, May 25th/05

For starters , I learned / did the following things at school:

Period 1: I had Theatre Arts... we talked, watched a scene from a play and watched a clip from the anime-style movie, "Waking Life": a movie with very intense philosophy

Period 2: I had World History Class... we learned about the roles the U.N has played in the last decade or so in world affairs such as their failed attempt to stop the genocide in Rwanda for example, we learned about former yugoslavia and how much ethnic cleansing took place there in much Muslims and Catholics were driven out of states of the former yugoslavia,etc..

Period 3: I had Economics.. we learned about the Global village: how multi-national corporations , reduced trade barriers and a system connecting about 100 world banks that trades billions to trillions of dollars a day in lightning speed.... sir gave us a history lesson about how technology exposed what was supposed to be a secret u.s military operation in somalia: CNN was reporting live and showing the troups landing: the war-lords had satellite tv , so they saw the americans coming and ran, so the americans had trouble finding them for the first couple days. Yep, got assigned my first bit of homework due for tomorrow

Lunch: I socialized with Jillian Peddle and the crew... for a good 20-30 minutes. I had a slice of Pizza and a small cholocate milk

Period 4: Nutrition Class: people gave powerpoint presentations on everything from the digestive systems to obesity!

Period 5: We learned about faradays law in chemistry class and was told we actually gotta memorize facts about rechargeable and nonrechargeable batteries in our own time on top of work sheets and final exam review and test prep.!

What I did afterschool"
I had 3-5hours of homework today:

I spent 2-3 working on getting visuals and explanations of them for my project on the American Civil War

Spent 30-40 minutes practicing statistics for my math quiz tomorrow

spent 20 minutes going over World History notes

spent 40 minutes talking on the phone with Sarah C.

spent 40 minutes doing economics homework

spent 60-70 minutes on the computer (msn, posting on cfc and writing up this blog)

As you can tell, I am starting to get very busy lately

This is what my weekend might look like:

Friday, May 26th:

- get home and focus on homework for the most of the night and probably, read the bible

Saturday , May 27th:
- Work at Lester Lube from 9am-4pm

- spend time reading the bible and doing homework instead of going to a movie!

- go to the CFC concert at West End Baptist at 7pm (free admission)

Yep, thats all i have to say for now

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

May 24th weekend

( this was posted on June 4th/2005 but i have to put it down as May 24rth/05 in order to get it to show up!)

Yep, its probably one of the easiest "My Adventure" topics to post about.. : May 24th weekend. Ya well this weekend, I left on thursday afternoon after school to head out to Terra Nova Village. We stayed there for the night and got to meet Lev (a Russian-Canadian who moved to newfoundland from siberia (i think) 2 years ago), my cousin Brian, uncle John, Mr. Hanley,etc... We basically hung out and stuff that night. The next morning , I think uncle John might've showed up (or yesterday?) and we had breakfast. Then, we started to pack our stuff in the sub-urban and trailer to go into the woods: it was raining. Meanwhile, me and tenille ( my sister) looked around my cousin Alexis half-brother and half-sister: I tossed a orange pillow with them,etc... then after 2-3 hours of driving through the woods, we got to lake St. John. Then, we had to load the stuff unboard the small boat. Then, the 15-20 minute boat ride began.... ( me and my sister played rock, paper,scissors slap to pass the time!) Then we arrived... (the rest of the trip with the exception of monday , the entire days where spent around the cabin area) This is but a sample of the things i did: - Went fishing at the lake just a few seconds walk from the camp - went on a fishing trip further downstream - took care of Shae-lynn and micheal ( my half-cousins?) : i played hide-and -seek with them, go-fish, 7-up,crazy-8's,etc... - drove the argo around the beach ( its like 1/4 - 1/2 kilometres long (including the beach not near our area but ive never actually measured it though!) - Helped using the automated wood cutter which ran on gas and oil - socialized with everyone else Today, we got up at 10 am and tried to get ready: it wasn't until 10/10:30 p.m that i got home! ( on the way back, i studied for my World History test and read the 2nd chapter of "God's Politics" coming up on wedsday!) -(whenever possible at night), I went away to read the bible, write a journal my day and read some books i brought on different topics with biblical backing - watched some tv on the satellite dish etc.

Today, we got up at 10 am and tried to get ready: it wasn't until 10/10:30 p.m that i got home! ( on the way back, i studied for my World History test and read the 2nd chapter of "God's Politics" coming up on wedsday!)

any questions,just ask!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

May 18th/05

Yep, yet another day of school. When i got outta school, I went down to the new Dominion with my dad to get groceries and we got to used the automated under 20 item checkout (super cool!) . Then, I helped cleanout the rabbit and bird cages.I also talked to Sarah C. for 2 hours ! ( We talked about some cool stuff...indeed) Also, I studied for my World History on may 25th, talked on msn, posted on CFC and Christianchapel. I also wanna read exodus 6 today...very soon!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

My Weekend May 13th-15th/05

Yep, this was definitely an interesting's a good recap of friday and saturday.

Friday: I was home all night! I surfed the net a bit, talked on the phone,etc... it was a very laid-back night.... I need not get into any more details as i didn't keep a journal on that (so thats i can remember of it!)

Saturday: Well as usual, I was working at Lester Lube from 9am-4pm! (Things at work went alright and as usual...)

For those of you who have no idea what the usual at Lester lube is..... I help do the following:

- Putting oil back into the cars during a oil change

-get information off customers that is entered into the computerized file!

- sometimes, I help with other random tasks and/or help in the tire bay... which involves taking off tires, the weights off tires, weighing them , putting the weights on the new tires and putting the tires back on!

Then, I had a shower when I got home (its necessary after working there! By the way, this was my 5th saturday working there!) Then, I talked on the phone ( I can't say who... I still need more time to get to know this person better before i am ready to talk about them!)

And well, I chilled mostly and the such ( no descriptive details available)

Today (Sunday):

Today, I got up at 8:30 a.m to get ready for Sunday School/ Sr. High Classes... today, the jr. and sr. high classes were combined for the 2nd sunday in a row ( last sunday, the president and vice-president of ABU: Atlantic Baptist University did a presentation on the university, its purposes, facilities,etc...)! Today as an activity, we have to come up with an invention that would help people, think of a way to advertise it, hoq much it would cost and tell the class... it was a rather humuorous activity as some people came up with very bizarre stuff (such as andrew sutherland's idea for a suit that would turn sweat into water...yuck!).Anyways, Ms. Sutherland related this to how God has a gift that he wants everyone to have: a personal relationship with god, the cost for free (for us : it cost Jesus his earthly life!) and she asked the question as to how we are yo advertise it... personal relationships seemed to be the main one, but there are others too.

The morning service was amazing: my dad showed up! (he rarely goes to church), the worship was great, the ministry of music was amazing ("Father's Eyes") and the message moving: it was on 2 Corin.:1-11.... then, the pastor made a altar call (of sorts ) at the end of the message... my dad went up!

Also, I had chem. tutoring today, i talked on the phone again (to the same person as on friday!) and I did lots of research on the american civil war.... talk about a alright yet crazy weekend!

Friday, May 06, 2005

May 6th/2005

Well ya lately, i've had the flu or cold for 3 days in a row ! ( probably the first time all year for me) . And ya, I had to wake up 6 am in the morning to finish a research paper ( boy, I need to improve long-long- time management!) on churchill falls hydropower.... yep I have no idea what i'll be doing this weekend ( I should probably check my e-mails for starters!) Indeed... more details to come!

May 6th/2005

Yep, so far ive had the flu or the cold (and some headaches and stuff) Ya like this morning, I had to wake up 6 am to finish a research paper on churchill falls hydropower! ( Boy, I still need better time management) I have no clue what i'm doing today ( checking e-mails is a good start!) And well saturday, i'lll be at my job again. I guess me and jesus have one more thing in common: at some point in our lives, we worked for our earthly father!..... more details to come!