Thursday, Aug.17th/2006: The Day of the Crazies 2
As you can see, I was so busy with work, watching the news, eating supper, following the news, Watching Canadian Idol, doing the laundry, registering for my MUN orientation and studying for my permit test that I didn't even have time to get to what I did at work!!!!
Any, so as you know, I got up at 6:30 a.m to get ready for work: getting a shower, getting chnaged to my work clothes (business casual pants and shirt), eating breakfast, packing my lunch (and snacks to eat throughout work), getting my quarter for the daily newspaper and my 'fany pack' ( where I keep my bus pass and stuff) in order to get to the bus stop around 7:25/7:30 a.m. So ya, while waiting on Hemmer Jane in Mt. Pearl, I chatted up with a 'Mount Pearlean' about current issues, the news, my job, school,etc... so ya then at 7:40/45 a.m, my bus showed up to bring me to the Village ( it gets there around 8:00/8:05/8:10 a.m and the bus from there to my Work ( The NLACL, a.k.a the
St.John's headquarters of the non-profit Community Living in Newfoundland and Labrador on Pete St. at the Tara Building (formerly the Ashley Building) to get there around 8:50 a.m! (more details to come!)
So, I arrived at work at 8:50/55 a.m and had a chat with Brad, the NLACL coordinator ( for those of you who didn't read my earlier entires, the NLACL stands for the 'Newfoundland and Labrador Association for Community Living') about politics, the news and many other things that I won't get into details about ( as i'm too tired to remember!!!) So ya I was chatting with him until 9:20/9:30 a.m when Melanie got me to work on installing some scanner software ( which had like 5 different photoshop and scanner programs on it !!!). But ya, we weren't able to get it to work so on 9:30/10:00 a.m, I gave up on the scanner and let my co-worker Tabatha work on it instead! ( It couldn't have been as bad as yesterday when Melanie, the E.D ( the Executive Director) accidentally brought in the Software in Portuguese!!!: we need nooooooooooooooooooo idea of what it was saying.... sort of!) You see, my boss Melanie had lived in Honduras, South America for 2-4 months in her life. So, she learned a little bit of Spanish and Portuguese while she was living there working after getting a B.A (Political Science).. and stuff.
SO anywaysssss... then Melanie got me to organize a follow-up study on 'The Rights Futures Program' into chronological order ( It's about an 100 + page document that I organized and put together in about 10 minutes!!). So with that done, around 10:30 /10:45 a.m, I started reading up on the Government of NL's document entitled " Poverty Reduction: An Action Plan for Newfoundland and Labrador". So from then until 11:50 a.m, I spent the time reading through the ' Message from the Premier, Danny Williams ( also known as 'Danny Millions'! unofficially!!!!!) and the Minister of Human Resources Paul Shelley ( At first, I thought Paul Shelley was a girl because it sounds like a girl's name to me for some reason. But ya, I learned Paul's a guy!!!). And ya, I was reading through the 'Executive Summary' of it ( the first 10 pages of info. which is in roman numerals such as i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii,viii, ix and x) .But ya, my Dad showed up at 11:50 a.m to take me to do my Permit Test ( For the 3rd time) at Motor Vehicle Registration ( in Mt.Pearl) Here's my results:
- got 100% ( pass) on Part 2: Sign Recognition and the various Road signs
- got 6 wrong on part 1 ( Your only allowed to have 0-2 wrong in order to pass) So ya, me and my Dad were 'disappointed' that I didn't get my license and we both got a bit frustrated: (only to realize that they have 4 variations of the standard test and I had received the most difficult copy in circulation!!!!)
So ya, after eating my lunch in the car and the way there and getting all that done, I got back to my work at 12:30/45p.m: With about 15-30 minutes to spare before it was time for me to work again! So ya, I chatted with Brad and Melanie ( Is it just me or ever since Brad started working this week, i've cut back the mount of time I spend talking to Melanie) ( Sidenote: this morning, Brad sent me a e-mail from MUN about 're-vamping' and 'overhauling' the introductory psychology program at MUN ( and potentially the entire system!!!) and next wedsday, they're going to have a conference available to the general public in order to get feedback ( Where I did Psych.1000 and 1001 as part of my AP PSych. course and got credit for Psych.1001, i'm in a good position to 'critique' what changes need to be made to the courses) So then I talked to Melanie about my Driver's Permit, Bill C-2: The Federal Accountability Act, its implications,etc....., Politics, Lobbying, The CNDA/CNDS (Canada National Disability Act/Canada National Disabilities Strategy which was ' a Conservative Party of Canada 2006 Federal Election Promise'! which is in the preliminary stages,etc....
So yaaround 1:15/1:20 p.m, I got back to work on the 'Reducing Poverty: An Action Plan for NL' : taking 1-2 snack breaks, 1-2 bathroom breaks, 1-2 stretching breaks throughout the afternoon: Working on typing my notes I had written out on paper into a Microsoft Word Document at my Work I will eventually e-mail mysel a copy of those jot notes and quotes...) and I got through the Entire 'Executive Summary' and photocopied a 3/4 page summary Tabitha Boland ( one of my co-workers) wrote for the Fall 2006 Gateway Newsletter ( it'll be available at or in the coming months. In the meantime you can check out previous Gateway E-Newsletters!)
So ya, I got my stuff ready at 4:10 p.m ( my lunch bag, this week's copy of "The Independent" and Today's Copy of "The Telegram" ( That I brought 'dirt cheap' on the Metrobus for a quarter instead of o.65 dollars (65 cents) and got on the bus to the village. Only, I was suppose to take the Route 1 to my mom's house. But, I missed the bus because I was talking about my Guitar Teacher, Chuck ( formerly at Strings n' Things, until that closed down due to a back location and never re-opened as finding a 'suitable' location hasn't been easy for Gary, the owner of Strings n' Things!) So, at 4:50 p.m, I decided to walk to Mom's house ( which takes about 15-40 minutes: 15 minutes if you run or sprint on a nice cool day or in this case, 30-40 when your 'power walking' in 20-25 degrees weather in a 'Black Dress suit and pants' , 'burning up',etc... so , I got home at 5:30/5:35 p.m: and so began the real 'craziness of today': Family, Extended Family, Step Family, Boyfriends and Girlfriend of Cousins, Aunts, my younger cousins,etc... ( about 15-25 people were at my mom's house from 5:00/5:40 p.m until about 8pm!!!!) So ya, this is what I had for supper:
-2 Hamburgers with Ketchup,Mustard and Mayo ( If it wasn't bad enough that I had a Balogna, Mayo, Lettuce, Pickles, Mustard and Ketchup Homemade Sub Sandwich for Lunch and a 'cholocate Pop-tart this morning!!!!"
- 1 bowl full of mild-medium chilly with beef, green and red peppers,etc...
-1 small plate full of salad
- some assorted fruit
and.... -2-3 glasses of Skim Milk Followed by one glass of 2% Milk ( I'm soooooo used to Skim Milk ,that I find 2% has 'too much fat' in it's taste and content:unlike from primary through grade 6, I found Skim Milk soooo gross that I drank 2 mouthfuls just so I could go into Mcdonalds: otherwise, the Tilleys ( who looked after me and my sister sometimes) told me I couldn't have Mcdonalds, but that's another story for another time!!!!)
So ya, then at 8pm, my step-dad Greg drove me up to Pearlview, Mt. Pearl , I got my 2nd pair of 'unhemmed dress pants' , 'marked' with a pin so they could know where to get them hemmed!, Learned how to wash dress pants: cold water on the 'delicate' setting for 5 minutes, dry for 20 minutes on 'delicate' and iron with an iron!!! So ya, then I talked to Felissa ( she's my girlfriend now : after '9 months of dating!!!' ( Who didn't see that coming?!?!?!??!?!?!) So ya, I spent the last 60-90 minutes updating this blog: from 8pm- 9:37 p.m. But hey, it was worth it!!!
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