Recent Posts I made on CFC (CanadiansforChrist)
So ya, as many of you are aware, i'm a member of an online organization known as CanadiansforChrist (CFC). Recently, i've made some posts to the site when I noticed there'd been no activity on the site for 2-3 weeks (the last time I posted on the website!!!)
So here they are! (Or if you prefer, check it out yourself at
Post #1- General:
Stephen Harper's time as PM and Stephanie Dion« Thread Started on Today at 8:22pm »
So it's official, tuesday of next week will mark exactly 1 year since the time Stephen Harper's Conservatives were elected to yet another minority government (which could fall at any time). And at the same time, the Liberals now have a new leader in Stephanie Dion. From holding a free vote on the issue of same-sex marriage (which he said if it failed, he'd consider the issue closed, which is what happened) to raising the age of sexual consent from 14 to 16 (with a 5-year "Close in age exemption") to make it easier for the law to prosecute predators to his "Five Priorities" (which are almost complete), his Prime Ministership has been extremelly controversal.
On the other hand, Stephanie Dion is now leading a Liberal Party Renewal in an attempt to regain the trust of Canadians?
So, since the site hasn't had posts in two to three weeks, I thought i'd post some political for once: if a federal election were hold today, which party would you vote for?A. Stephen Harper's ConservativesB. Stephanie Dion's LiberalsC. Jack Layton's NDPD. Elizabeth May's Green PArtyE. Gill Duceppe's Bloc Quebecoisor F. OtherG. Don't knowH. I wouldn't voteand explain why!!! "
Post #2: from the "Stories" Section:
Went the Bethesda Pentecoastal youth group l.w!« Thread Started on Today at 8:37pm »
So ya, today marks exactly 1 week from the first night at which I went to the Bethesda Pentecoastal Youth Group.
For those of you who are aware that I go to WEB Church (West End Baptist) and although i'm on MUN, I haven't been going to the MUNCF meetings as I tend to like to make other plans for friday nights (as well as the fact that i'm only really starting to feel 90% comfortable with university life: enough, that is, to start getting a little bit more involved).So ya, my friend Conrad Abbott had been trying to invite me to his youth group at Bethesda (it's up behind the Confederation Building in St.John's/NL, just across the street from "East Side Marios" every Friday night at 7-10/11pm (Also, there's a pre-youth service prayer at the Church from 6:30 through to 6:50/55p.m as well lead by Joy Williams, the youth leader!
So ya, they basically combined their youth service, outreach (by inviting anywhere from 10-40/45 people to the youth group weekly who aren't christians from all tribes and nations), a time to pray together, talk together and do activities together.
For those of you who weren't aware, the leader of Bethesda's Youth Group, Joy Williams was featured on the coverpage of the local paper "The Telegram" last summer.
So ya, they're doing some great work at Bethesda that should definitely be getting our prayers.
Also, their International Pastor (Pastor Rosh) learned 2-3 weeks ago that he has Cancer!!
And well, Bethesda Pentecoastal church is praying for him. However, when I told Joy that my mom is also going through having cancer as well [ she went through several chemo treatments since she has an unknown primary as well as radiation therapies in December and early January], I told her i'd find some christians to pray for her (my home church WEB, which hasn't happened yet because I missed the sunday morning service last night). And well, I thought i'd ask you guys to pray for the church because they know what God doesn't cause anything to come down with illness for the most part (with the exception of some people in the Old Testament), but whatever God allows, he allows to test our faith and to teach us perseverance.So ya, pray for this Youth Group and Church,guys!
Post #3: from the "Prayer" Section-
Topic: for the International Prayer at Bethesda,Pas.Rosh (Read 3 times)
jwlchristianNew Membermember is online
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for the International Prayer at Bethesda,Pas.Rosh« Thread Started on Today at 8:39pm »
For those of you who weren't aware, the leader of Bethesda's Youth Group, Joy Williams was featured on the coverpage of the local paper "The Telegram" last summer.
So ya, they're doing some great work at Bethesda that should definitely be getting our prayers.
Also, their International Pastor (Pastor Rosh) learned 2-3 weeks ago that he has Cancer!! And well, Bethesda Pentecoastal church is praying for him.
However, when I told Joy that my mom is also going through having cancer as well, I told her i'd find some christians to pray for her (my home church WEB, which hasn't happened yet because I missed the sunday morning service last night).
And well, I thought i'd ask you guys to pray for the church because they know what God doesn't cause anything to come down with illness for the most part (with the exception of some people in the Old Testament), but whatever God allows, he allows to test our faith and to teach us perseverance.So ya, pray for this Youth Group and Church,guys! (Note: this is a quote from the "Stories" section thread I posted a few minutes ago!)
Last but not least, here is the copy of the Thread "Saddam Hussein" under prayer requests (which includes responses from myself and 'kingbob' (another member of CFC):
Topic: Saddam Hussein (Read 34 times)
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Saddam Hussein
« Thread Started on Nov 13, 2006, 11:00pm »
(post by kingbob3)
As most have probably heard by now, Saddam has been sentenced to death by hanging for crimes against humanity.
While many rejoice that justice will be done, we also must remember that this means the loss of a life, and much more importantly, a life which likely still doesn't know the love of Jesus Christ.
Pray that in the next days, that some Christian will show him the love of God, before he goes beyond the reach of any Christian.
e: Saddam Hussein
« Reply #1 on Dec 13, 2006, 7:09pm »
Personally, i'm against capital punishment (the death sentence) in general because Jesus talked about loving our neigboring and to 'love our enemies and pray for those who persecute you.' Even though in the Old Testament it was alright to give people the Death Sentence for murdering people, since Jesus has come to this earth, taught for 3 years and then died on the cross for our sins, it's no longer necessary for people to physically die for murder. Those who still favor the death penalty argue that the Old Testament says that '...the punishment for sin is death.' However, when Jesus was on this earth, he advocated against 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth' mentality in favor of loving your neighbour AND your enemies.
Also, take a look at 1 Corinthians 13 has to say about love: 'love is patient, love is kind, it doesn't keep records of wrongs...' Now since we believe the Bible is God's word, if we're told to love both our neighbour AND our enemies and to 'pray for those who persecute you', then why do we go on sentencing people to physical death because of their sins. After all, what did Jesus did when the Pharisees wanted a woman in the New Testament to be stoned to death (capital punishment) for commiting adultery? He said, "May he without sin throw the first stone...". Of course, since the Pharisees wouldn't dare to commit blasphemy by claiming they've never sinned, they put down their rocks and left. Then what did jesus say to the woman? "Go and sin no more". So clearly, Jesus favored reconcilation and repentance rather than vengeance and capital punishment that wouldn't have given that woman a chance to repent.
Think about it..... questions and comments?
Re: Saddam Hussein
« Reply #2 on Dec 21, 2006, 12:02am »
(Post by kingbob3)
Though this is a prayer request, and not a debate invitation, I'll reply here.
I agree that capital punishment doesn't seem to fit with the message of Christ. However, Christ doesn't have Hussein on trial. There's an earthly justice that the world is crying out for. We'll just have to work within those confines while reaching out to Hussein. Or anyone else for that matter.
Re: Saddam Hussein
« Reply #3 on Jan 3, 2007, 10:33pm »
(reply by me)
It's official everyone, Saddam Hussein is dead...: they hung him within days of his appeal failing... well, I think we oughta focus our prayer now on the situation in Iraq: Hussein's followers are protesting in the streets and we oughta pray that this swift execution wouldn't harden their hearts even further to the gospel...
Re: Saddam Hussein
« Reply #4 on Today at 8:26pm »
The news is also official now: Saddam Hussein's Half-Brother was hung 5 to 6 days ago. Guys, we really do need to cover this in prayer before if Iraq gets worse than it currently is, it could further destabilize Afghanistan and Pakistan. (Not to mention, civilians are getting slaughtered in this quasi-Iraqi Civil War/ U.S Occupation of Iraq (for those who don't know what quasi means, it describes something that resembles, but isn't exactly something).
So ya guys, I noticed that there's a site called Sojourners/ A Call to Renewal that trys to look at world events,social justice, moral issues,etc... in a Christian light, so check it out or ( I think it's the first of the two!)
Hiya Jordan!
You were right in saying that suffering is sent to us to deepen our faith and trust in God.
2 Cor 12:9 "In fact we were carrying the sentence of death within our own selves, so that we should be forced to trust not in ourselves but in God, who raises the dead."
But, there is way more to suffering. Suffering is an imitation of Christ on the Cross. He calls us to offer up our sufferings as great prayers and to add them to His sacrifice for us, (even though our suffering can NEVER come close to comparing to His.)
Romans 8:17 "And if we are children, then we are heirs, heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, provided that we share his suffering, so as to share his glory. "
Col 1:24 "It makes me happy to be suffering for you now, and in my own body to make up all the hardships that still have to be undergone by Christ for the sake of his body, the Church"
So, while God is just and righteous, He allows sin (that we suffer as a result of original sin and our own actual sins) to come into the world. Remember, suffering is a normal part of this life, but we can take lemons and make lemonade! So best offer up our suffering for good!
God bless you and I hope your mom is still doing alright!
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